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Returns and exchanges are supported within 7 natural days after receipt. Product packaging must be intact and free of stains, and the product must be used normally and free of damage. Otherwise, returns are not supported. If you meet the return conditions above, please contact us in advance at to obtain a return address. Return shipping costs are borne by the buyer. Refunds will go through and will be refunded to the original method of payment. It will take approximately 3-5 working days after receiving the returned product. If you have not received your refund, please contact us at, it will take approximately 1-3 days. Reply within business days.
Support exchange within 30 natural days, provided that the product has functional problems and has not been artificially damaged. Otherwise, swapping is not supported. Please contact us in advance at to obtain the exchange warehouse address. Shipping costs are borne by the buyer. It will take approximately 3-5 days to receive your exchange product. If you have not received your exchange product, please contact us at It will take approximately 1-3 working days to respond.
You can cancel your order before shipment. You can only request a refund. Refunds will be made to the original method of payment. It takes approximately 3-5 working days to receive your refund. If you haven't received it yet, please contact us. Contact, it will take approximately 1-3 working days to respond.
Returns and exchanges are supported within 7 natural days after receipt. Product packaging must be intact and free of stains, and the product must be used normally and free of damage. Otherwise, returns are not supported. If you meet the return conditions above, please contact us in advance at to obtain a return address. Return shipping costs are borne by the buyer. Refunds will go through and will be refunded to the original method of payment. It will take approximately 3-5 working days after receiving the returned product. If you have not received your refund, please contact us at, it will take approximately 1-3 days. Reply within business days.
Support exchange within 30 natural days, provided that the product has functional problems and has not been artificially damaged. Otherwise, swapping is not supported. Please contact us in advance at to obtain the exchange warehouse address. Shipping costs are borne by the buyer. It will take approximately 3-5 days to receive your exchange product. If you have not received your exchange product, please contact us at It will take approximately 1-3 working days to respond.
BX-219 Limited Vacuum Cleaner – solusi pembersihan rumah terbaik Anda, dilengkapi dengan sejumlah fitur dan keunggulan mengesankan:
1. Hisapan Kuat: Dengan motor 400W yang kuat dan sistem aliran udara siklon yang menghasilkan daya isap 14KPA yang hebat, BX-219 dengan mudah mengatasi kotoran dan serpihan di lantai dan karpet, memastikan rumah Anda dipenuhi udara segar dan bersih.
2. Kemampuan Manuver Luar Biasa: Dengan berat hanya 1,5KG, penyedot debu ini sangat ringan dan mudah ditangani. Kemampuan rotasi 90° vertikal dan 120° horizontal memungkinkan fleksibilitas dan kemudahan penggunaan yang tak tertandingi.
3. Pembersihan Khusus Zona: Berkat kombinasi inovatif sikat lantai dan nosel pengisap datar, BX-219 mahir membersihkan berbagai area dan permukaan, tanpa meninggalkan sudut yang tidak tersentuh.
4. Desain 2-in-1 Serbaguna: Penyedot debu ini bertransisi dengan mulus antara mode genggam dan tegak, sehingga cocok untuk berbagai tugas pembersihan, dari lantai hingga permukaan yang ditinggikan.
5. Pegangan Nyaman: Pegangan ergonomis memastikan pengalaman pembersihan yang nyaman dan efisien, membuat pekerjaan rumah tangga menjadi mudah.
6. Pembersihan Multi-Ruangan: BX-219 sangat cocok untuk menjaga lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat di dapur, ruang tamu, dan bahkan di tangga. Daya hisapnya yang kuat juga efektif mengatasi bulu dan bulu hewan peliharaan, menjaga rumah Anda tetap segar dan ramah hewan peliharaan.
Temui Penyedot Debu Terbatas BX-219 – mitra tepercaya Anda untuk menjaga lingkungan rumah yang segar dan bersih. Fitur-fitur mutakhir dan kinerjanya yang unggul memastikan rumah Anda tetap murni dan menarik.
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